seriously need to be away from KL to 'shooh' my bad energy for this year. Cant wait for the Penang and Langkawi holiday..which will take place in a day..yeyy..Despite that, me and some of my girls are planning for a holiday in the first quarter 2009 but none strike our mind at the moment.nak gi mana eh? any idea for a perfect getaway (aa girls only!) ?
I really love to hangout with my girls coz when i do, everything practically go away..especially those uninteresting moments and otak yang berserabut..i really really gonna miss this one day when everyone has settled down..but i hope that even so, we still have time to hangout (excuse us mr hubbies!) Or maybe we can planned a futsal match for our hubbies and we hangout while they finished the game..huuu..interesting idea isnt it?
Err..what about Twilight movie? and books? Y i dont feel anything when watching the movie, instead i feel so bored and waste of money (that was the first time we watched at GSC Signatures which the ticket is double the usual GSC price tag-but the seat is like a business class flight+he likes it-but i think still not worth to spend that much on a movie)
Plus, my sister is begging me to get her the range of books (which i actually owe her birthday and UPSR presents) whereby the MPH outlets are running out of stocks. And when i finally can get the last piece of 'New Moon' at MPH Summit , she was so happy and hugged me and shouted .. erh, ape yang best sgt ni..
Im not in the mood to read novels yet but i sure would like to read it one day..after i finished the Leadership for Dummies where i havent finished since like the past 6 months? Soo not in the mood of reading a thick book i guess..but i am starting to like Personal Money magazine by the way..its really good for my line of business and also for personal growth..
Lets end 2008 with a blast!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
...and 22nd dec ends
22nd dec ends and i end up didnt get anything that i targeted for :(
but fortunately i have an amazing family and friends who always cheers my day..
Nvm, there are a lot more coming in 2009 which i'm sooo looking forward...
Early plan is so crucial and as early as 1st Jan i have to start working triple as hard..or can say 10times more...
So, im starting my holiday earlier ..which is now till the new year ..
p/s: i cant tell whats my target coz apparently i didnt get it..let it be my secret ;p
but fortunately i have an amazing family and friends who always cheers my day..
Nvm, there are a lot more coming in 2009 which i'm sooo looking forward...
Early plan is so crucial and as early as 1st Jan i have to start working triple as hard..or can say 10times more...
So, im starting my holiday earlier ..which is now till the new year ..
p/s: i cant tell whats my target coz apparently i didnt get it..let it be my secret ;p
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Penawar Sinusitis @ Resdung
I am crazyly craving for pusat rawatan tradisional resdung at the sinus is getting worse. I was suggested by an ENT (Ear , Nose and Throat) specialist years ago to do a minor operation to get rid of my sinus..tapi my dad tak suggest operate2 ni..suh makan ubat dulu kalau boleh...lps makan ubat doctor nmpk mcm dah ok kejap but lately i feel macam makin teruk..
Actually dah macam2 rawatan cube (cume ni dah mmg lama gila tak pegi berubat / makan ubat kat mana2) Pernah je buat rawatan yang pakai asap tu pastu keluar bende kuning kat muke, pastu penah jugak buat yang kene sedut satu jenis ubat ni pakai hidung lps tu sakit otak giler2 and lps tu ada lendir keluar dari hidung (WTF ..geli siot..nasib baik takde laki hensem melintas dpn aku) and mcm2 ubat tradisional dah makan..
Gatal hidung takyah cakap...smpai mcm nak tercabut la kadang2 kalau garu tu and the worse part is malam2 bila hidung blocked..bayangkan keadaan bile hidung tersumbat tapi takde hingus. Kalau ada boleh la hembus dan bernafas seperti sedia kala...ini tak tau nak buat ape macam ade sebiji batu besar dlm hidung..iee sangat2 tak selesa..dan terpaksa bernafas ikut mulut..penat! Pastu kadang2 terasa mcm kepala terhuyung hayang..adakah ada kaitan tatau la plak.. I've been complaining about this every night and he begged me to go to any pusat rawatan asap..but well, blame his busy schedule..tanak la gi sorang2! takut.. (alasan ke ape nih..)
Actually dah macam2 rawatan cube (cume ni dah mmg lama gila tak pegi berubat / makan ubat kat mana2) Pernah je buat rawatan yang pakai asap tu pastu keluar bende kuning kat muke, pastu penah jugak buat yang kene sedut satu jenis ubat ni pakai hidung lps tu sakit otak giler2 and lps tu ada lendir keluar dari hidung (WTF ..geli siot..nasib baik takde laki hensem melintas dpn aku) and mcm2 ubat tradisional dah makan..
Gatal hidung takyah cakap...smpai mcm nak tercabut la kadang2 kalau garu tu and the worse part is malam2 bila hidung blocked..bayangkan keadaan bile hidung tersumbat tapi takde hingus. Kalau ada boleh la hembus dan bernafas seperti sedia kala...ini tak tau nak buat ape macam ade sebiji batu besar dlm hidung..iee sangat2 tak selesa..dan terpaksa bernafas ikut mulut..penat! Pastu kadang2 terasa mcm kepala terhuyung hayang..adakah ada kaitan tatau la plak.. I've been complaining about this every night and he begged me to go to any pusat rawatan asap..but well, blame his busy schedule..tanak la gi sorang2! takut.. (alasan ke ape nih..)
Setakat ini masih tiada ubat untuk menyembuhkan sepenuhnya penyakit resdung. Namun begitu terdapat beberapa rawatan untuk mengurangkannya seperti :
- Jaga Pemakanan
- Kenal pasti dan elakkan makanan yang tidak sesuai dengan anda yang mungkin penyebab kepada resdung.
Elakkan / kurangkan memakan sotong, ketam, ayam, udang, belacan, cencaluk, budu dan sebagainya menurut sensitiviti setiap individu.
- Jaga Kebersihan Sekeliling
- Hindari habuk dan puncanya, seperti karpet.
Pakai penutup hidup jika terdedah kepada keadaan yang kotor dan berhabuk.
- Rawatan Moden
- Beberapa kaedah rawatan moden boleh dicuba seperti ubat anti-biotik secara oral, anti-biotik secara nebulised (semburan), terapi IV, ubat-ubatan lain di farmasi, berbagai ubatan herba, pencuci bahagian hidung serta surgeri di bahagian hidung.
- Penggunaan Produk & Rawatan Tradisional
- Amalan tradisi semenjak dahulu telah mengenalpasti beberapa jenis herba yang dapat membantu mengatasi atau mengurangi masalah resdung seperti Akar Mengkunyit, Stong Otak, Halban, Pinang , Kayu Manis dan sebagainya.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Adakah kami sudah tua
baru je post sblm2 ni konon2 bz sgt smpai tak smpat jumpe housewive2 kesukaanku..tiba2 dah jumpe tadi ..yeeyy..we had fun..kitorg minum2 at Pelita Bgsar and straight to entertain ourselves with liveband at Hartamas ..
but the thing is..kenapa kitorg tak enjoy sgt live band yg dipertontonkan..adakah kerana lagu2 nya (lagu2 baru la jugak yg diorg nyanyi)..atau adakah kerana music nye tak sedap (ok je aku dgr)..atau adakah kerana kerusi yg tak selesa dan tempat yang sempit (fariza terpaksa duduk separuh bontot) atau adakah kerana penyanyi nye tak cun (mcm la penonton2 ni cun sgt..kecoh je lebih)..atau adakah kerana kami dah tak terlalu muda ? ( positive..taknak la cakap tua kan)
tidak!!! takde la tua mana pun..tapi kenapa interest dah jadi matured sangat ni..ataupun adakah aku dah terjadi anti sosial (kerana telah agak lama meninggalkan aktiviti2 ini) atau mungkin zaman ku sudah berakhir, dah puas dah dulu2 .. (statement melegakan hati sendiri )
uwaaa!! i dont wanna grow old too fast!
but the thing is..kenapa kitorg tak enjoy sgt live band yg dipertontonkan..adakah kerana lagu2 nya (lagu2 baru la jugak yg diorg nyanyi)..atau adakah kerana music nye tak sedap (ok je aku dgr)..atau adakah kerana kerusi yg tak selesa dan tempat yang sempit (fariza terpaksa duduk separuh bontot) atau adakah kerana penyanyi nye tak cun (mcm la penonton2 ni cun sgt..kecoh je lebih)..atau adakah kerana kami dah tak terlalu muda ? ( positive..taknak la cakap tua kan)
tidak!!! takde la tua mana pun..tapi kenapa interest dah jadi matured sangat ni..ataupun adakah aku dah terjadi anti sosial (kerana telah agak lama meninggalkan aktiviti2 ini) atau mungkin zaman ku sudah berakhir, dah puas dah dulu2 .. (statement melegakan hati sendiri )
uwaaa!! i dont wanna grow old too fast!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hmm..sungguh tak best kalau bende buat last minit..dulu time study mmg sangat la last minit.Kalau boleh sehari sebelum exam baru nak study. Time keje camtu (dikala kene hantar report etc)..skang ni pun last minit..kan dah kelam kabut..fikiran berkecamuk, etc
Setahun ada, tapi lagi 7 hari baru nak focus betul2..heishh..Im aiming for something big..which in the journey of hoping to reach the goal i'm so exhausted..actually mentally exhausted..not very much on physical..di kala ini semua nya dah makin samar...and im hoping for a miracle..
Looking back, the sacrifices that ive done was nothing much compare to org lain yg dah achieved their goals..sempena Hari Raya Qurban ni, teringat kisah nabi Ibrahim yang mengorbankan anaknya demi menuruti perintah Tuhan .. tak tercapai akal nak buat pengorbanan camtu..
Ok, berbalik kepada pengorbanan is setakat ;
1) tak g shopping
2) tak hangout with girlfriends
3) less time with loved ones
4) less time for myself
5) off to work 7.30 am everyday without fail
tu je? mana punye la tinggi..but im still searching of what i havent done yet..ape ye..~putting my thinkin cap on~
Setahun ada, tapi lagi 7 hari baru nak focus betul2..heishh..Im aiming for something big..which in the journey of hoping to reach the goal i'm so exhausted..actually mentally exhausted..not very much on physical..di kala ini semua nya dah makin samar...and im hoping for a miracle..
Looking back, the sacrifices that ive done was nothing much compare to org lain yg dah achieved their goals..sempena Hari Raya Qurban ni, teringat kisah nabi Ibrahim yang mengorbankan anaknya demi menuruti perintah Tuhan .. tak tercapai akal nak buat pengorbanan camtu..
Ok, berbalik kepada pengorbanan is setakat ;
1) tak g shopping
2) tak hangout with girlfriends
3) less time with loved ones
4) less time for myself
5) off to work 7.30 am everyday without fail
tu je? mana punye la tinggi..but im still searching of what i havent done yet..ape ye..~putting my thinkin cap on~
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Selamat hari raya aidiladha pics again..apparently my camera is already nazak..on pun tak boleh.
Despite that, my raya haji this year comes with a special package..
im happy and i feel my life almost complete
im glad everything went well
i cant wait !
Despite that, my raya haji this year comes with a special package..
im happy and i feel my life almost complete
im glad everything went well
i cant wait !
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A long day ..
I usually love surprises, but when it is not an exciting one .. its not good
Today my dad was admitted again for a high blood pressure and i woke up as early as 4.30am coz my bro baru balik from the emergency room .. of course la takleh tido dah kan sbb dah risau..i leave home at 6.30 am and rush to the hospital.. i took the shift for the day since everyone is working today...i cancelled all my appointments and stay at the ward with him .
He is under monitoring by Dr Betty since the last time he was admitted due to minor heart attack and when she came and checked the BP, it is a bit unstable for a few hours but after that back to normal..after all the check ups (masuk dye dalam darah, x ray , blood and urine test, etc)
Lps tu doc came in ..
Dr Betty : Now I know why ...(glance at me) R u the one who's getting married? (masa tu ade atuk n aunty)
Me : (angguk and smile)
Dr Betty : Your father is so sad of u gonna leave him and leave the house ..he loves u very much ..
Me : (smile again and terharu) psst : ~I'm sad too!
No lah..mmg sbb die tak control makan tu coz lately i realized his craving for food kalah budak2 kecik..KFC, burger, air gas...hishh
Alhamdulillah, nothing major...and he can be discharged late in the evening
Today my dad was admitted again for a high blood pressure and i woke up as early as 4.30am coz my bro baru balik from the emergency room .. of course la takleh tido dah kan sbb dah risau..i leave home at 6.30 am and rush to the hospital.. i took the shift for the day since everyone is working today...i cancelled all my appointments and stay at the ward with him .
He is under monitoring by Dr Betty since the last time he was admitted due to minor heart attack and when she came and checked the BP, it is a bit unstable for a few hours but after that back to normal..after all the check ups (masuk dye dalam darah, x ray , blood and urine test, etc)
Lps tu doc came in ..
Dr Betty : Now I know why ...(glance at me) R u the one who's getting married? (masa tu ade atuk n aunty)
Me : (angguk and smile)
Dr Betty : Your father is so sad of u gonna leave him and leave the house ..he loves u very much ..
Me : (smile again and terharu) psst : ~I'm sad too!
No lah..mmg sbb die tak control makan tu coz lately i realized his craving for food kalah budak2 kecik..KFC, burger, air gas...hishh
Alhamdulillah, nothing major...and he can be discharged late in the evening
Activities revisited
Long time no computer broke down lps balik dari training kat Genting ..pastu smpai la last week i juz got my new lappie...yeyyy!
Some updates :
1. Been to Genting 3 days (17-19th Nov) for CIMB Sales Seminar
2. To delirious @ Melaka 24-25th Nov
3. My mum's birthday 27th Nov
4. Got my new lappie
5. Been to New Year Kick Off at Dewan Perdana Felda
6. Busy meeting clients to kejar my deadlines
7. Hardly have time to join my girls go shopping or eat eat
8. Less time jugak with my loved ones (hait, kene revisit my time management ni, caner dah resign pun boleh takde masa ni ..)
Till then..
Some updates :
1. Been to Genting 3 days (17-19th Nov) for CIMB Sales Seminar
2. To delirious @ Melaka 24-25th Nov
3. My mum's birthday 27th Nov
4. Got my new lappie
5. Been to New Year Kick Off at Dewan Perdana Felda
6. Busy meeting clients to kejar my deadlines
7. Hardly have time to join my girls go shopping or eat eat
8. Less time jugak with my loved ones (hait, kene revisit my time management ni, caner dah resign pun boleh takde masa ni ..)
Till then..
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Body Ache
I am suffering from body ache and stomach , to be exact abdomen pain..thanks to my fitness trainer who 'torchured' me last 2 days. And what am i doing in the middle of the night (its 2 am) still not sleeping? Its because of his advise whereby I have to sleep at least 4 hours after food. Konon2 hari ni nak ikut peraturan ;p
Ok, let me share some tip with u who'd like to stay healthy ;
1. EAT BREAKFAST (sooo important!)
2. Around 10 am, have a bite of wholemeal bread or fruit (like banana or other fruit yang mengenyangkan)
3. Supaya bila LUNCH tak makan smpai 2 pinggan
4. Dalam kul 4 tu kene makan juga roti bersama tuna atau kurma atau buah2an atau biskut
5. Dinner around 7pm...kene makan waktu ni sbb majoriti kite tido around 11-12am, just nice before sleep
6. Dannnnn sebelum tido makan buah2 an yang mengandungi serat supaya bila bangun tido terus pegi toilet ...yey! (the best part)
* sebab nye perut kita ni ada time2 die yang die boleh bekerja keras dan tak keras..bila time die boleh keje keras ialah 3 meal utama (bfast, lunch, dinner) ..jadi kalau waktu petang perut nak rehat tapi kita makan makanan berat, sbb tu die takleh nak digest sangat dan lepas tu bertukar jadi lemak
Best nye 6 kali makan! Tapi kene betul2 ikut la cara die ni, bukan la 6 kali makan tu melantak yang hebat2. Dan juga kene exercise at least 20mins 3 times a week. Target saya bukan la nak kurus sangat, tapi nak stay healthy je.Sbb hidup ni panjang lagi, kalau slim je tapi kolesterol level tinggi pun tak boleh juga :)
Kawan2, mari cuba!
Ok, let me share some tip with u who'd like to stay healthy ;
1. EAT BREAKFAST (sooo important!)
2. Around 10 am, have a bite of wholemeal bread or fruit (like banana or other fruit yang mengenyangkan)
3. Supaya bila LUNCH tak makan smpai 2 pinggan
4. Dalam kul 4 tu kene makan juga roti bersama tuna atau kurma atau buah2an atau biskut
5. Dinner around 7pm...kene makan waktu ni sbb majoriti kite tido around 11-12am, just nice before sleep
6. Dannnnn sebelum tido makan buah2 an yang mengandungi serat supaya bila bangun tido terus pegi toilet ...yey! (the best part)
* sebab nye perut kita ni ada time2 die yang die boleh bekerja keras dan tak keras..bila time die boleh keje keras ialah 3 meal utama (bfast, lunch, dinner) ..jadi kalau waktu petang perut nak rehat tapi kita makan makanan berat, sbb tu die takleh nak digest sangat dan lepas tu bertukar jadi lemak
Best nye 6 kali makan! Tapi kene betul2 ikut la cara die ni, bukan la 6 kali makan tu melantak yang hebat2. Dan juga kene exercise at least 20mins 3 times a week. Target saya bukan la nak kurus sangat, tapi nak stay healthy je.Sbb hidup ni panjang lagi, kalau slim je tapi kolesterol level tinggi pun tak boleh juga :)
Kawan2, mari cuba!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
someone doing something
a friend of mine told me to not messed my head with the current volatile market situation..and economy situation...P** L*h la..minyak naik la..bla bla what ever problem under the sun..
the key is to just what ever it takes to get what u wish for..even sky is not the limit..
because...there of course someone / some people / somebody are doing something to 'repair' the current situation...macam, takkan la nak merungut masalah hilang kerja tanpa mencari jalan penyelesaian (cari keja lain), takkan la nak terus meratapi pemergian org yang kite sayang tanpa cepat2 bangun dan teruskan perjuangan org yg masih hidup ni....Donald Trump pun pernah hutang berbillion2 US, boleh je bangun balik...apatah lagi la Global Economy, dalam dunia ni ramai sangat bijak pandai yang takkan dok diam nak betulkan situasi ekonomi Global dan Glokal masing-masing ..saya tgh bayangkan org jepun skang ni sure tgh bertungkus lumus dan tak tido malam...(org jepun kan sangat rajin dan bijak)
so, what i do skang ni jumpe client/ prospects...i will not talk about the economy or market volatility or apa2 yg sewaktu dengannya ...instead, talk about their business / experience which will add value to every appointments i made...kalau tak close sale, at least i got the successful persons' experience..
u know what..saya lama dah tak baca paper..boring je topic yang sama everyday..the best thing is go to the field and just do my work..what ever the economy situation is, i still need to feed my stomach with Kenny Rogers, Western Bangsar, Ayam Penyet .. nyumm
the key is to just what ever it takes to get what u wish for..even sky is not the limit..
because...there of course someone / some people / somebody are doing something to 'repair' the current situation...macam, takkan la nak merungut masalah hilang kerja tanpa mencari jalan penyelesaian (cari keja lain), takkan la nak terus meratapi pemergian org yang kite sayang tanpa cepat2 bangun dan teruskan perjuangan org yg masih hidup ni....Donald Trump pun pernah hutang berbillion2 US, boleh je bangun balik...apatah lagi la Global Economy, dalam dunia ni ramai sangat bijak pandai yang takkan dok diam nak betulkan situasi ekonomi Global dan Glokal masing-masing ..saya tgh bayangkan org jepun skang ni sure tgh bertungkus lumus dan tak tido malam...(org jepun kan sangat rajin dan bijak)
so, what i do skang ni jumpe client/ prospects...i will not talk about the economy or market volatility or apa2 yg sewaktu dengannya ...instead, talk about their business / experience which will add value to every appointments i made...kalau tak close sale, at least i got the successful persons' experience..
u know what..saya lama dah tak baca paper..boring je topic yang sama everyday..the best thing is go to the field and just do my work..what ever the economy situation is, i still need to feed my stomach with Kenny Rogers, Western Bangsar, Ayam Penyet .. nyumm
Monday, October 27, 2008
By 22nd Dec
Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of time..I dont want to regret the line of work that I chose now..mum says ' hey, lagi teruk dari keje ofis ni' .. as long as I like what I do, I have to face the challenges..and I believe there are more to come..
Ups and downs..when I'm feeling down, i'm lucky that I have my loved ones (friend & family, ps: love u all) to bring up my mood...but when the desire came, mmg momentum nak dapatkan something tu sangat2 la kuat..kalau la mood tu boleh camtu je selalu kan best :)
At this moment my target by 22nd Dec 2008 are:
1) A...
2) 10 ...
3) D...
Hehe, takleh cite ape die sbb malu kalau tak dapat...nanti by 22nd Dec 2008 kalau achieve baru reveal apa dia :)
I love handbags..tapi in the list takde la handbag :) but i believed if i achieved the target, my dream handbag petik jari je la ...ok, lets pray ..amin!
Ups and downs..when I'm feeling down, i'm lucky that I have my loved ones (friend & family, ps: love u all) to bring up my mood...but when the desire came, mmg momentum nak dapatkan something tu sangat2 la kuat..kalau la mood tu boleh camtu je selalu kan best :)
At this moment my target by 22nd Dec 2008 are:
1) A...
2) 10 ...
3) D...
Hehe, takleh cite ape die sbb malu kalau tak dapat...nanti by 22nd Dec 2008 kalau achieve baru reveal apa dia :)
I love handbags..tapi in the list takde la handbag :) but i believed if i achieved the target, my dream handbag petik jari je la ...ok, lets pray ..amin!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I miss the old days..
haihh..semua org ada masalah masing-masing :)
yang tu bengang dengan ni, yang ni hangin dengan tu..mcm2 lah..
looking back, i realized how matured we've became (my friends and i) .. kalau dulu masa belajar , pagi2 tu bergantung kepada kerajinan nak bangun pagi utk kelas kul 8..woi,15min je kot nak gi kelas, tapi liat jugak nak bangun..dari jalan kaki smpai la berkenderaan, sama je tahap kemalasan tu..tghari tu kalau dah smpai kat rumah alamatnye kelas petang dalam mimpi je la...ptg lak dipenuhi dengan lepak makan goreng pisang, malam2 boleh je baring2 kat bilik port utk lepak borak2 (assignment mmg tak penah siap sbb nanti kat kelas tiru je org yg dah siap) atau pun menghabiskan cerita korea dan jepun, ataupun yang paling segan nak cite berposing dengan rakan serumah dan syok sendiri amik gambar masing2...(siap ade tirai background yg tak tahan tu-pakai cadar sapa tah) macam takde masalah je hidup..bila pk balik alahai tak matured nye perbuatan..(but i cant deny that missed the old days girls!)
skarang ni, kul 7 tu kira lmbt la tu bangun (except beberapa org yg asik lambat smpai ofis tu -- aku pun sama je)..pastu kul 8 dah terpacak kat ofis ..tapi smpai ofis je, ym tak lupe nak on dulu ..pastu check email..agak2 kul 9 baru nak start tgk email official..ataupun tgk atas meja ape yang outstanding...tapi ade plak yg turun minum pagi plak...start keje kul 10 la tu kan...ANYWAY, papehal pun dah smpai ofis..okla tu kan :) Walaupun now my office hour is flexible, I have to force myself to wake up macam nak gi ofis everyday jugak..
pastu ptg2 dah tak smpat nak meet up sangat..even seminggu sekali pun dah susah sangat sebab semua nya bz dgn hal masing2..ada yang business, ade yang family matter..weekend pun bz jugak..
i wonder in the next 3yrs macamana la plak trend die ye?
yang tu bengang dengan ni, yang ni hangin dengan tu..mcm2 lah..
looking back, i realized how matured we've became (my friends and i) .. kalau dulu masa belajar , pagi2 tu bergantung kepada kerajinan nak bangun pagi utk kelas kul 8..woi,15min je kot nak gi kelas, tapi liat jugak nak bangun..dari jalan kaki smpai la berkenderaan, sama je tahap kemalasan tu..tghari tu kalau dah smpai kat rumah alamatnye kelas petang dalam mimpi je la...ptg lak dipenuhi dengan lepak makan goreng pisang, malam2 boleh je baring2 kat bilik port utk lepak borak2 (assignment mmg tak penah siap sbb nanti kat kelas tiru je org yg dah siap) atau pun menghabiskan cerita korea dan jepun, ataupun yang paling segan nak cite berposing dengan rakan serumah dan syok sendiri amik gambar masing2...(siap ade tirai background yg tak tahan tu-pakai cadar sapa tah) macam takde masalah je hidup..bila pk balik alahai tak matured nye perbuatan..(but i cant deny that missed the old days girls!)
skarang ni, kul 7 tu kira lmbt la tu bangun (except beberapa org yg asik lambat smpai ofis tu -- aku pun sama je)..pastu kul 8 dah terpacak kat ofis ..tapi smpai ofis je, ym tak lupe nak on dulu ..pastu check email..agak2 kul 9 baru nak start tgk email official..ataupun tgk atas meja ape yang outstanding...tapi ade plak yg turun minum pagi plak...start keje kul 10 la tu kan...ANYWAY, papehal pun dah smpai ofis..okla tu kan :) Walaupun now my office hour is flexible, I have to force myself to wake up macam nak gi ofis everyday jugak..
pastu ptg2 dah tak smpat nak meet up sangat..even seminggu sekali pun dah susah sangat sebab semua nya bz dgn hal masing2..ada yang business, ade yang family matter..weekend pun bz jugak..
i wonder in the next 3yrs macamana la plak trend die ye?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lontong Klang and Pelita Bangsar
Good afternoon!
Yesterday morning i finally got the opportunity to taste Lontong Klang yang Ernie dok mention sepuluh ribu kali..ok, sib baik sedap..and also she brought her ex-office mate..Kak Hani , and die sangat la baik hati sbb belanja kami breakfast pagi tu..thanks!
Nyum! Aina jangan jeles..
Fuh sungguh lemak berkrim..
After that I rush to Sri Pentas for WHI recording..(i'll post the pics later) and go do some sales and marketing...Later in the evening, me and my hot girls (opps ade sorang no longer 'girl' - jgn marah :) but she owned a very sporting hubby) managed to catch up at Pelita Bangsar ..yey! despite all of my girls' busy ness, most of them are able to make are some pics of us
Maggi Goreng, Roti Cheese, Teh Ais ---- We're loving it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Raya mood ends and first day of work
Hi friends..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin I regret that I dont bother to take any picture during Raya..not a memory to place here.. after i lost my hp and my existing camera does not work well indoor, less pics captured..anyway, my Raya is nothing special..we were back to my dad's hometown at Muar for 4 days and back to KL on Friday night..
And also, bayangkan la kebaya couture punye stall pun lupe nak amik..we are planning to include it in our portfolio but hushhh.. so, no proof to impress...
I'm back at work early today, but unfortunately my clients are all still on holiday..I guess have to wait for them for another 2 days..received call from Fizarosli ..I think she wants to ajak me lepak2...tapi tgh appointment plak
Lastly, I think I have to improve my sense of 'capturedness' so that my life will be filled with colours..I guess
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin I regret that I dont bother to take any picture during Raya..not a memory to place here.. after i lost my hp and my existing camera does not work well indoor, less pics captured..anyway, my Raya is nothing special..we were back to my dad's hometown at Muar for 4 days and back to KL on Friday night..
And also, bayangkan la kebaya couture punye stall pun lupe nak amik..we are planning to include it in our portfolio but hushhh.. so, no proof to impress...
I'm back at work early today, but unfortunately my clients are all still on holiday..I guess have to wait for them for another 2 days..received call from Fizarosli ..I think she wants to ajak me lepak2...tapi tgh appointment plak
Lastly, I think I have to improve my sense of 'capturedness' so that my life will be filled with colours..I guess
Monday, September 22, 2008
Busy bee
I am so so busy this Ramadhan and didnt realize that it almost end..kejap sangat rasanya and my list of activities since Ramadhan ni :
- my first month on my own and its Ramadhan month..Harap mendapat keberkatan
- manage to make the time run soooo fast by ulang alik to Putrajaya and Sunway for Kebaya Couture
- no-rest weekends since Ramadhan month..actually not a day to rest at all! (sunway pyramid, hap seng) -hrmm dugaan
- lost my hp . ive never lost a hp of mine ever in my entire first time, but i remain calm coz i believe losing something small meaning something big is coming
- i havent finished baking all my kueh raya orders and i only have 2 days to finish them all (sbb terlalu tak perasan ni dah masuk minggu terakhir puasa). so kalut la memikir kan pekerja2 yg boleh menolong di saat-saat akhir
- having clients that are complaining about the sudden market recession. I wish i can change the political structure right before the election so that the economy will not be this bad. I feel a tiny bit of guilt but nothing I can do. Luckily one of my clients acted calmly. She said: ' it's ok , u r not the one who told me how much to invest and this recession is not your fault and everyone is affected by it' ..Huh..kalau semua org berfikiran camni senang keje
- I wish I have more time so that I can fill in with more 'ibadah'
- My weight? I dont think i lost a gram!!! benci nyaaaa..lemak ni degil
Cant wait to c my girls this Thursday...
- my first month on my own and its Ramadhan month..Harap mendapat keberkatan
- manage to make the time run soooo fast by ulang alik to Putrajaya and Sunway for Kebaya Couture
- no-rest weekends since Ramadhan month..actually not a day to rest at all! (sunway pyramid, hap seng) -hrmm dugaan
- lost my hp . ive never lost a hp of mine ever in my entire first time, but i remain calm coz i believe losing something small meaning something big is coming
- i havent finished baking all my kueh raya orders and i only have 2 days to finish them all (sbb terlalu tak perasan ni dah masuk minggu terakhir puasa). so kalut la memikir kan pekerja2 yg boleh menolong di saat-saat akhir
- having clients that are complaining about the sudden market recession. I wish i can change the political structure right before the election so that the economy will not be this bad. I feel a tiny bit of guilt but nothing I can do. Luckily one of my clients acted calmly. She said: ' it's ok , u r not the one who told me how much to invest and this recession is not your fault and everyone is affected by it' ..Huh..kalau semua org berfikiran camni senang keje
- I wish I have more time so that I can fill in with more 'ibadah'
- My weight? I dont think i lost a gram!!! benci nyaaaa..lemak ni degil
Cant wait to c my girls this Thursday...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kebaya Couture goes to sunway Pyramid !
Girls, feel free to come to our kebaya booth at sunway pyramid...nak buat gathering bukak puasa pun boleh!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One week as a 'self-employed'
One week has passed
Hey, not bad at all..penat die pun sama je macam keje, but the best thing is i got to arrange my time myself..
So, as of now, my profession is :
Wealth Advisor with CIMB Wealth Advisors
Marketing Communication Consultant with Studio 51
One of the @delirious and Kebaya couture 'Board of Directors'
So exagerrative ..but good position name presents you better (as what i learned in TM during Job Grade Justification exercise)
Wish me luck!
Hey, not bad at all..penat die pun sama je macam keje, but the best thing is i got to arrange my time myself..
So, as of now, my profession is :
Wealth Advisor with CIMB Wealth Advisors
Marketing Communication Consultant with Studio 51
One of the @delirious and Kebaya couture 'Board of Directors'
So exagerrative ..but good position name presents you better (as what i learned in TM during Job Grade Justification exercise)
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bandung Business Trip
I went to Bandung early this month for a so-called business trip. Not many photos to capture coz its a tiring trip indeed. I'm selling Kebaya siap for this Raya Season (partnership with my lady Ernie) and also some kain2 (my choice) for those who'd like to custom made them.
First day
Flight delay. Sampai2 je terus naik angkutan pegi pasar baru. Cari our supplier.
Ariff and Liana (the owner) choose almost 100 pieces of Kebaya is not easy..Me, kepala je nampak sbb takde masa nak pandang kamera
Sampai kedai semua dah tutup i'm still memilih..until exhausted baru la minta dihantar pulang!
First day ni baru dapat choose half je :)
2nd day
Sambung choose and shop for my stuffs. No pic, camera pun tak perasan kat mana. Thanks to my lovely brother who accompanied me with patience..Takpela, makan sedap kak nur belanja..siap makan kat hotel lagi tu :)
3rd day
Wake up as early as 5.3o am..went for breakfast at the hotel. Makan kat sini bestla, nasi goreng yg kosong nampk hambar pun sedap.Tah ape la yg die letak.
After that we're off to Kartika Sari outlet to buy ole-ole for family and friends..jalan kaki je from my hotel
this is 6am in the morning..imagine i'm eating Kartika Sari ice cream? sejuk giler..
but worth it sbb sedap sangat ..nyumm
lps ni terus kami ke pasar baru early as 7 am dah smpai..kedai semua tutup lagi..hahah..semangat sangat..i can call this a marathon nye kalau semua ni untuk gue..
By 10.30 pm back to hotel, 11 am off to Sasteranegara Airport for departure. I'm excess baggage, taxed & tired!
First day
Flight delay. Sampai2 je terus naik angkutan pegi pasar baru. Cari our supplier.
First day ni baru dapat choose half je :)
2nd day
Sambung choose and shop for my stuffs. No pic, camera pun tak perasan kat mana. Thanks to my lovely brother who accompanied me with patience..Takpela, makan sedap kak nur belanja..siap makan kat hotel lagi tu :)
3rd day
Wake up as early as 5.3o am..went for breakfast at the hotel. Makan kat sini bestla, nasi goreng yg kosong nampk hambar pun sedap.Tah ape la yg die letak.
After that we're off to Kartika Sari outlet to buy ole-ole for family and friends..jalan kaki je from my hotel
but worth it sbb sedap sangat ..nyumm
lps ni terus kami ke pasar baru early as 7 am dah smpai..kedai semua tutup lagi..hahah..semangat sangat..i can call this a marathon nye kalau semua ni untuk gue..
By 10.30 pm back to hotel, 11 am off to Sasteranegara Airport for departure. I'm excess baggage, taxed & tired!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hmm..I'm so damn bored. Ofis lengang, tapi takleh nak bersuka ria sebab...
Keje banyak, walaupun hari bekerja boleh dikira dengan sebelah tangan je..
My workstation is a mess ...

Ya ampun, tpt keje ku sangat la tak mencermin kan perempuan..nasib baik ada nama kat atas tu, kalau tak sure org ingat ni tpt duduk laki..hahah
anyway,sangat la bersepah kan? ;p Takpe lps ni dah clear terus..ofismates, dont miss me ok?
By the way, perlawanan badminton semalam to me is very ok..tgk muke (alamak, sapa tah nama pemain M'sia tu, tak reti2 nak sebut) mcm dah biru and he is actually nervous the whole time..takpela,to me its a good achievement to make it to the final. After all, lelaki China yg menumpaskan die tu pun mmg pemain dunia ...
Yang penting, Chelsea menang kepada Portsmouth 4-0 . Yeyyyy...My Ballack is always handsome on the ground..I Miss U.. *&@#()@*
Keje banyak, walaupun hari bekerja boleh dikira dengan sebelah tangan je..
My workstation is a mess ...
Ya ampun, tpt keje ku sangat la tak mencermin kan perempuan..nasib baik ada nama kat atas tu, kalau tak sure org ingat ni tpt duduk laki..hahah
anyway,sangat la bersepah kan? ;p Takpe lps ni dah clear terus..ofismates, dont miss me ok?
By the way, perlawanan badminton semalam to me is very ok..tgk muke (alamak, sapa tah nama pemain M'sia tu, tak reti2 nak sebut) mcm dah biru and he is actually nervous the whole time..takpela,to me its a good achievement to make it to the final. After all, lelaki China yg menumpaskan die tu pun mmg pemain dunia ...
Yang penting, Chelsea menang kepada Portsmouth 4-0 . Yeyyyy...My Ballack is always handsome on the ground..I Miss U.. *&@#()@*
Friday, August 15, 2008
10 days more!
I cant deny although I always complaint, but I have be thankful to get the opportunity to serve such a big company..I feel a bit terharu with my colleagues and bosses who always talk to me recently knowing that I'm gonna leave the unit in a few days..anyway, people always come and go..i hope they will find my replacement, who is better than me. I value this experience which I will never get anywhere else :(
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Still cant stop smiling..
Geezzz.....I still can't stop smiling till today and my heartbeat still pounding like I've ran 1000miles...I still feel the butterflies in my stomach...I still cant believe it happened..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I met Michael Ballack!!
I cant stop screaming since yesterday...arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
My close friends knew how much i adore this guy. I've never ever liked or really being a fan of a football player but since Germany 2006 (World Cup) I fell in love with .MICHAEL BALLACK..He's a captain of Germany team..
After World Cup, he joined Chelsea and I immediately follow all the fixtures and wake up in the mornings ( morning is like, 3am/4am/5am?) just to watch him in action. Yeah, if u r a fan of a singer u can easily watch them in MTV/ Channel V..but if u r a fan of football player?? kene tgk match la, slowly i became a fan of a football game..and now i understand why guys love football...
I remember one time during the last World Cup semi final, I know that Ballack injured and could not play for the semi final..but, guess what? I wake up at 2.45 am too, but just hoping that the camera will get a flash of him sitting near the field..crazy kan?
I was like really fall in love with him..and Ive never had this feeling to any male singer/actor/footballer before..Even banyak kali jugak mimpi jumpa die sblm ni..
And yesterday, I got to meet him here in Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so so lucky coz I was among the last person to join the MyChelsea first I joined just to get the opportunity to celebrate their arrival at Palace of the Golden Horses and come to the training session..tapi tibe2 i got the lucky draw prize which is to come for autograph signing ceremony with 2 of the players..I just pray one of them is Ballack..and it turned out that only him will be coming..can u imagine how breathless i am when i knew Ballack confirmed to come??
And I got to meet him personally..mcm nak pengsan!!
Ini bukan mcm jumpe Siti Nurhaliza (im a big fan of her too) , langsung tak terbanding...
If u guys follow my friendster, in the column 'Who I want to meet', it is Michael Ballack and i even want to save some money to come to Stamford Bridge to watch them live in action...but even if i go to stamford bridge, i know i would never have this golden opportunity...
I'm so thankful and from now on I believe that impossible dream is possible to come true..
I cant stop screaming since yesterday...arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
My close friends knew how much i adore this guy. I've never ever liked or really being a fan of a football player but since Germany 2006 (World Cup) I fell in love with .MICHAEL BALLACK..He's a captain of Germany team..
After World Cup, he joined Chelsea and I immediately follow all the fixtures and wake up in the mornings ( morning is like, 3am/4am/5am?) just to watch him in action. Yeah, if u r a fan of a singer u can easily watch them in MTV/ Channel V..but if u r a fan of football player?? kene tgk match la, slowly i became a fan of a football game..and now i understand why guys love football...
I remember one time during the last World Cup semi final, I know that Ballack injured and could not play for the semi final..but, guess what? I wake up at 2.45 am too, but just hoping that the camera will get a flash of him sitting near the field..crazy kan?
I was like really fall in love with him..and Ive never had this feeling to any male singer/actor/footballer before..Even banyak kali jugak mimpi jumpa die sblm ni..
And yesterday, I got to meet him here in Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so lucky coz I was among the last person to join the MyChelsea first I joined just to get the opportunity to celebrate their arrival at Palace of the Golden Horses and come to the training session..tapi tibe2 i got the lucky draw prize which is to come for autograph signing ceremony with 2 of the players..I just pray one of them is Ballack..and it turned out that only him will be coming..can u imagine how breathless i am when i knew Ballack confirmed to come??
And I got to meet him personally..mcm nak pengsan!!
Ini bukan mcm jumpe Siti Nurhaliza (im a big fan of her too) , langsung tak terbanding...
If u guys follow my friendster, in the column 'Who I want to meet', it is Michael Ballack and i even want to save some money to come to Stamford Bridge to watch them live in action...but even if i go to stamford bridge, i know i would never have this golden opportunity...
I'm so thankful and from now on I believe that impossible dream is possible to come true..
Thursday, June 19, 2008
There are many types of people around us..and 1001 perangai which u just have to deal with them..I am kinda 'hey-common-u- think-a-lot' kind of person..Which in the end my brain will be stucked with other people's problem and behavior..
Well, since we cant change people..I guess I have to change my way of dealing with this kind of problem..I wouldn't call this a problem though..Its just me who thought a lot *sigh
There are many types of people around us..and 1001 perangai which u just have to deal with them..I am kinda 'hey-common-u- think-a-lot' kind of person..Which in the end my brain will be stucked with other people's problem and behavior..
Well, since we cant change people..I guess I have to change my way of dealing with this kind of problem..I wouldn't call this a problem though..Its just me who thought a lot *sigh
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fabulous Dad
He has big big belly...and overweight
His fav food is Nasi Beryani..
He likes cappucino very much...
He loves seafood..especially crab
*all his favourites are unhealthy*
---by the way, he already started his healthy diet now---
Every morning he wants my mom to prepare breakfast for him..and always said that Quaker Oat will keep him full till afternoon..(but who can check if he eats lunch?)
Every morning he will feed his fish in the pond
Every week he'll buy a new fish because his fish always die (that pond is meant for a fountain only coz its not deep enough.i told him to dig a new pond for his fish)
Everyday he'll complain about my bro's cats that scratch his beloved dining chairs..
He lectures when my CGPA does not cecah 3.0 but well..I've tried my super duper best...
Despite that, he always support me in everything I do and I want to do.. I can consult him on any problem I face now and I feel grateful that I have such a wonderful father..
His fav food is Nasi Beryani..
He likes cappucino very much...
He loves seafood..especially crab
*all his favourites are unhealthy*
---by the way, he already started his healthy diet now---
Every morning he wants my mom to prepare breakfast for him..and always said that Quaker Oat will keep him full till afternoon..(but who can check if he eats lunch?)
Every morning he will feed his fish in the pond
Every week he'll buy a new fish because his fish always die (that pond is meant for a fountain only coz its not deep enough.i told him to dig a new pond for his fish)
Everyday he'll complain about my bro's cats that scratch his beloved dining chairs..
He lectures when my CGPA does not cecah 3.0 but well..I've tried my super duper best...
Despite that, he always support me in everything I do and I want to do.. I can consult him on any problem I face now and I feel grateful that I have such a wonderful father..
Our latest pics together during my bro's convo May 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Why I always complaint?
Because I am not satisfied with something. Wait, I think almost everything
Why not satisfied?
Because I think I can do better (perasan)
Why do I think I can do better?
Because I am hardworking (perasan lagi) and have big dreams
Why I need to have big dream?
Because I want to live the lifestyle I desire and well,u know...we human will never have enough
Why I need the lifestyle?
Envy of women that have financial freedom, stylish and beautiful.
Above all these, I am thankful for what I've achieved before
'Life is always about journey, not destination'
Because I am not satisfied with something. Wait, I think almost everything
Why not satisfied?
Because I think I can do better (perasan)
Why do I think I can do better?
Because I am hardworking (perasan lagi) and have big dreams
Why I need to have big dream?
Because I want to live the lifestyle I desire and well,u know...we human will never have enough
Why I need the lifestyle?
Envy of women that have financial freedom, stylish and beautiful.
Above all these, I am thankful for what I've achieved before
'Life is always about journey, not destination'
Monday, June 9, 2008
@Delirious Western Cuisine
Wow..a lot came into my mind lately and it just cant get enough!
I was approached by someone on opening a cafeteria. I'm not keen enough knowing that restaurant business is tiring..but when he mentioned its in MMU Melaka..I straightly reply and say I'm interested to know more..since we already have @delirious laundry and boutique..why not let @delirious have its sibling - @delirious Western Cuisine ! or..nantila pk nama yg lagi sedap..
Since Ive been so busy lately..I wish to add another 1o hours in a day..*sigh
But I like! even though my 'otak' is so tired of thinking and strategizing...(is that a word? i dont care) Sementara belum ada commitment lain ni, being bz is a good thing to let my day flow faster
Or maybe I have to improve my time management? Hurmm..
Anyway, I have to get my pen and started to work on the costing for @delirious Western Cuisine !
I was approached by someone on opening a cafeteria. I'm not keen enough knowing that restaurant business is tiring..but when he mentioned its in MMU Melaka..I straightly reply and say I'm interested to know more..since we already have @delirious laundry and boutique..why not let @delirious have its sibling - @delirious Western Cuisine ! or..nantila pk nama yg lagi sedap..
Since Ive been so busy lately..I wish to add another 1o hours in a day..*sigh
But I like! even though my 'otak' is so tired of thinking and strategizing...(is that a word? i dont care) Sementara belum ada commitment lain ni, being bz is a good thing to let my day flow faster
Or maybe I have to improve my time management? Hurmm..
Anyway, I have to get my pen and started to work on the costing for @delirious Western Cuisine !
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Different Opinion
Despite the oil price increase crisis, my eyes stopped at an email print-out where i found beside the printer in my office. I thought everyone has a stereotype mindset of 'lets go to the petrol station tonite sbb harga minyak naik esok' ..but this particular person:
1. Pissed of by manusia2 yang keluar isi minyak ni sampai jalan jam yg amat
2. Ala..setakat bapa inggit je jimat sedangkan stucked in hours of jammed (i took 3 hours to reach home from Putrajaya that night)
3. Say to those ppl ' if you cant afford, might as well not use a car then'
4. If less ppl have cars, then will be less cars on the road, then will be less jammed..
I like no 4!
Wow, if u dont think of the above as rude, what this guy said does make sense ..hahah
1. Pissed of by manusia2 yang keluar isi minyak ni sampai jalan jam yg amat
2. Ala..setakat bapa inggit je jimat sedangkan stucked in hours of jammed (i took 3 hours to reach home from Putrajaya that night)
3. Say to those ppl ' if you cant afford, might as well not use a car then'
4. If less ppl have cars, then will be less cars on the road, then will be less jammed..
I like no 4!
Wow, if u dont think of the above as rude, what this guy said does make sense ..hahah
Monday, May 26, 2008
"Talk is cheap"
I learned a lot during my very long weekend at T Harv Eker's seminar ' Millionaire mind intensive ' . I adore him and his energy.
He started his business with US 2000 to open 2 fitness retail using his Visa credit card and 2 1/2 year later he got up to 10 stores. He sold them off to Heinz Corporation (tomato ketchup) for US 1.6 mil! Immediately a millionaire and his business grow since then...
Yang paling i ingat is 'Talk is cheap" : that anyone can say anything but nothing is possible without action. Cakap mmg senang, tapi nak buat mmg sangat sangat susah...I will take what he said as a challenge..other things that i learned are :
1. Dont think, just do
2. Succesful people is full with energy , so what you do is what u are
3. Everyone can be successful but just need to know the way to it
4. Start manage your money properly using the 'jar' strategy
5. Focus on what you want, not what you dont want
6. If u work hard, make sure they're worth it
and on and on...
So, i will start with the money jar thingy starting this month's salary.
Good luck!
He started his business with US 2000 to open 2 fitness retail using his Visa credit card and 2 1/2 year later he got up to 10 stores. He sold them off to Heinz Corporation (tomato ketchup) for US 1.6 mil! Immediately a millionaire and his business grow since then...
Yang paling i ingat is 'Talk is cheap" : that anyone can say anything but nothing is possible without action. Cakap mmg senang, tapi nak buat mmg sangat sangat susah...I will take what he said as a challenge..other things that i learned are :
1. Dont think, just do
2. Succesful people is full with energy , so what you do is what u are
3. Everyone can be successful but just need to know the way to it
4. Start manage your money properly using the 'jar' strategy
5. Focus on what you want, not what you dont want
6. If u work hard, make sure they're worth it
and on and on...
So, i will start with the money jar thingy starting this month's salary.
Good luck!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Ok, can anyone suggest the BEST and EFFECTIVE way to reduce weight ? Now i'm at the heaviest weight ever in my life history (tanak ckp bape, tgk sendiri).. agak pressure sbb my clothes are now dah limited and i dont want to buy new size!
Skip escape meals of course coz i never can skip my meals ..sedap sangatla makan ni and also expensive dietary plan
Currently what I've been practicing since i realized that my clothes dah stretched to the max are :
1. Lepak old town with desperate housewives (Old town nasi + rendang is so tempting)

2. Replace fitness first evening classes with lepak mamak or group meeting (my UT group) or sometimes shoes hunting
3. Never skip any meals especially lunch
4. Addicted to coffee. Any kind tak kisah la 3 in1 ke, tin ke..
5. Addicted to roti cheese
Yey...hasilnya taraaa...confirm takde hasil :(
Skip escape meals of course coz i never can skip my meals ..sedap sangatla makan ni and also expensive dietary plan
Currently what I've been practicing since i realized that my clothes dah stretched to the max are :
1. Lepak old town with desperate housewives (Old town nasi + rendang is so tempting)

2. Replace fitness first evening classes with lepak mamak or group meeting (my UT group) or sometimes shoes hunting
3. Never skip any meals especially lunch
4. Addicted to coffee. Any kind tak kisah la 3 in1 ke, tin ke..
5. Addicted to roti cheese
Yey...hasilnya taraaa...confirm takde hasil :(
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Gegar Experience (Lumut)
25th April 2008
Received call dari fizabelle Khamis malam, die ajak jadi usherette utk function gegar with a pay la of course..kitorg ni plak tak tanya banyak..agree immediately :)
26th April 2008
Bertolak pagi Sabtu 26th April seawal 11 pagi..sbb si fizabelle kata kene ade kat Lumut by 3pm (and kul 11 tu die la yg suggest) walaupun kitorg dah tau yang takkan nye kul 11 tu bole jumpe die kat R&R Sg Buloh tapi tah kenapa kitorg keluar jugak on time ( Fizabelle, fariza and anis one car, me,lynn and diana in another car)..akibatnye we are ahead of them by 40 mins...
Reached Lumut around 4 pm..panas giler yang amat smpai ada org tu ckp tanak keje esok nak duk hotel jek , sanggup la tak dapat RM...(hahahaha) Tapi best jugak sbb dapat melawat kapal2 TLDM tu, masuk cockpit die..experience the real thing...ramai giler org, sporting jugak org Lumut ni ek ;)
Kami bercuti atas kapal ...yey!!! Semua muke control padehal blakang peluh and panas cam hujan...
27th April 2008
At 12.50 pm kitorg smpai bersama t shirt dan seluar keje (which i think really looks stupid) tapi since takde seluar hitam lain, pakai je la..kami mengiringi panglima Datuk Abd Aziz dan isteri serta kawan2 nya dari launch smpai la ke bilik VIP..
Lynn, Fizah , Anis, Fizabelle - jaga VIP
Fariza , Diana - jaga media
Fariza and Diana berebut nak jaga media sbb konon2 nak duk tpt air cond, sekali diorg nye keje lagi susah sbb kene kejar media yang merata2..hahaha..
Kitorg just tunggu je VIP2 tu borak2 dengar live band dalam bilik air cond..huhu
Wait till i go to the best part.. DRIFT!!! Best giler, mule2 semua takut:
Lynn : Tanak la...
Fariza : Iee, aku naik roller coaster pun tak berani..
Me : Laut tepi tu, kalau terbabas kang..
Skali semua nye naik ...wuhuuuu ...
27th April 2008
At 12.50 pm kitorg smpai bersama t shirt dan seluar keje (which i think really looks stupid) tapi since takde seluar hitam lain, pakai je la..kami mengiringi panglima Datuk Abd Aziz dan isteri serta kawan2 nya dari launch smpai la ke bilik VIP..
Lynn, Fizah , Anis, Fizabelle - jaga VIP
Fariza , Diana - jaga media
Fariza and Diana berebut nak jaga media sbb konon2 nak duk tpt air cond, sekali diorg nye keje lagi susah sbb kene kejar media yang merata2..hahaha..
Kitorg just tunggu je VIP2 tu borak2 dengar live band dalam bilik air cond..huhu
Wait till i go to the best part.. DRIFT!!! Best giler, mule2 semua takut:
Lynn : Tanak la...
Fariza : Iee, aku naik roller coaster pun tak berani..
Me : Laut tepi tu, kalau terbabas kang..
Skali semua nye naik ...wuhuuuu ...
Apehal la muke die ni intro video kite ni *%^&
Tak penah terpk la plak nak naik drift ni..but we have fun!
Kul 7 camtu bergerak pulang ke KL...hasil nya RM & minor sunburn..Diana siap ade belang kat atas dahi (sbb pakai topi) out her new fringe to cover that .. haha
So, caner girls, i think we should consider the next trip..tapi bersedia la untuk sunburn :)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sad and Happy
On Saturday, my beloved cat Mowy left us forever...sedih gile tgk die nazak..he must have eaten racun sbb kesian sangat tgk die sakit, smpai mati..takpela, mmg dah smpai ajal die..but i cried watching him in pain..
Those days..ingat lagi fizabelle suke bela kucing masa kat bbi9 and rumah samsiah, tapi i really hate the cats .. tak sangka plak skang ni im a cat lover..tgk je kucing mati tgh jalan or in pain, my heart starts to melt already..well, people change :)
The happy thing is i got to go to TM Group Nite and watch Siti perform! Yey! I was told by Kak Ija (Who i dated that nite) that the theme is, i browse thru my closet, mum's closet , it turned out i have nothing in blue! Oh , do i hate blue colour that much?
Luckily i have a blue tudung, so, i just make it simple, black and blue :
and i got to meet CT too!! in her private room..
How I got to meet her privately?
I bought a chocolate for her , but i couldnt meet her at first coz the bodyguards are so strict..then, i pass the bag of choc to Nurul Shukor (her make up artist) and unfortunately i left the album that i want her to autograph for me...then Nurul called me and pass me back the album with siti signed on it and she/ he? invited me to meet ct...nice isnt it?
Those days..ingat lagi fizabelle suke bela kucing masa kat bbi9 and rumah samsiah, tapi i really hate the cats .. tak sangka plak skang ni im a cat lover..tgk je kucing mati tgh jalan or in pain, my heart starts to melt already..well, people change :)
The happy thing is i got to go to TM Group Nite and watch Siti perform! Yey! I was told by Kak Ija (Who i dated that nite) that the theme is, i browse thru my closet, mum's closet , it turned out i have nothing in blue! Oh , do i hate blue colour that much?
Luckily i have a blue tudung, so, i just make it simple, black and blue :
and i got to meet CT too!! in her private room..
How I got to meet her privately?
I bought a chocolate for her , but i couldnt meet her at first coz the bodyguards are so strict..then, i pass the bag of choc to Nurul Shukor (her make up artist) and unfortunately i left the album that i want her to autograph for me...then Nurul called me and pass me back the album with siti signed on it and she/ he? invited me to meet ct...nice isnt it?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Morning person..
This few days i have transformed to a very early morning semua gara2 someone gave me a motivational book to read "Nota Jutawan Nota Motivasi" by Irfan Khairi jutawan internet tu..mmg betul2 membuka mata dan membuatkan kite lagi semangat nak dapatkan target2 in life.whereby one of the point to be successful person is to sleep less and get up earlier to start our day. Ini mmg dibuktikan kerana kebanyakan millionaires and billionaires semua tido 4-5 jam je sehari dan bangun awal buat keje..takyah cakap la, Dato' Seri Wahid Omar (TM Group CEO) smpai ofis kul 7..tgkla hasilnya : He's a GROUP CEO at the age of 40. In fact mmg org tua2 ckp kalau bangun awal murah rezeki..
so, i persuade myself to get up as early as 6 am (regardless tido kul 10 ke, even kul 2 pun)..which is not that difficult coz my sis mmg dah bangun at that time, bukak lampu and mandi2. siap for school..awal gile gi skolah..tapi tu la, maybe she knows the secret of the early thingy too ;) ? sometimes terlajak jugak 6.30 but thats a very good start isn it? Mandi, and get ready for 6.45 i've already heating up my engine..impressive? Smpai ofis kul 7.40 jugak sbb jam nye mmg teramat la teruk..
I hope I will be like this smpai bile2..sbb keje mmg takkan boleh berhenti..tak kisah la keje ape pun, even a housewife pun kene bangun awal prepare for children and hubby..
So, my friends. jom bangun awal jugak..u'll notice the difference ..believe me...hehe
so, i persuade myself to get up as early as 6 am (regardless tido kul 10 ke, even kul 2 pun)..which is not that difficult coz my sis mmg dah bangun at that time, bukak lampu and mandi2. siap for school..awal gile gi skolah..tapi tu la, maybe she knows the secret of the early thingy too ;) ? sometimes terlajak jugak 6.30 but thats a very good start isn it? Mandi, and get ready for 6.45 i've already heating up my engine..impressive? Smpai ofis kul 7.40 jugak sbb jam nye mmg teramat la teruk..
I hope I will be like this smpai bile2..sbb keje mmg takkan boleh berhenti..tak kisah la keje ape pun, even a housewife pun kene bangun awal prepare for children and hubby..
So, my friends. jom bangun awal jugak..u'll notice the difference ..believe me...hehe
Monday, April 14, 2008
@delirious new facelift
alamak kitorg khusyuk sgt smpai tak amik gambar the new look langsung! lupe gile, nanti bile ade i will put it here...
later in the afternoon, we went to 'Nikorek' to buy a new rack for our boutique..its portable rack where baju tu nanti bole npk bnyk and lagi nmpk dari, ade potential nak tarik customer to come in..lps tu beli some other thing and went to Popia yang sedap giler kat Ujong Pasir..tapi sedih sbb dah habis..baru kul 4 lebih, maybe sbb hari Sabtu kot..later pegi nasi lemak janda, pun tutup jugak...kempunan...hehe
Then balik ke boutique, rearrange the perabot bagi nmpk bnyk space and memudahkan cust, mopped the floor..until 11 something baru we had our dinner and back to Aina's house..
Learning to know people ...
Today I have a lunch appt with a prospect at Victoria Station. Ive met him once last week and we talked about the potential of Oil and Gas investment theme. He's in the Oil and Gas industry so i learned a lot of new and never-heard-of-before thing. He mentioned that he's a good friend of Tun Mahathir and some well-known politicians, Ex-ministers names that Ive never heard of (OMG! Im a failed Malaysian Citizen) ... but I dont really belief.
When we met today for a second lunch appt, he brought with him the meeting pics with Tun last 6 months at his office. Ok now i started to belief him 50%..but another 50 will be after he invested with me. Bukan ape dah bynk kali jumpe org camni..cakap besar, konon2 kaya sangat..ade tu ini..but haprak pun takde...
Nak ajak Lynn skali sbb die is my downline..let her learn about this business..tapi die tak angkat plak tadi..coz the appt in confirmed last minute...rugi lynn, kalau tak bole makan VS free...
So let's wait this Wednesday coz Im going to meet him for closing..
When we met today for a second lunch appt, he brought with him the meeting pics with Tun last 6 months at his office. Ok now i started to belief him 50%..but another 50 will be after he invested with me. Bukan ape dah bynk kali jumpe org camni..cakap besar, konon2 kaya sangat..ade tu ini..but haprak pun takde...
Nak ajak Lynn skali sbb die is my downline..let her learn about this business..tapi die tak angkat plak tadi..coz the appt in confirmed last minute...rugi lynn, kalau tak bole makan VS free...
So let's wait this Wednesday coz Im going to meet him for closing..
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Just a beginning
I reached to a point that i am so tired of working so hard but the result is not as hard as i worked..there must be a reason why, there must be a something wrong somewhere...balik rumah dah malam2, pastu esok have to wake up early tomorrow morning for this the routine that i want for the rest of my life? ya..i realized at that point that i have to make a massive decision in my life..
ya..i know that we have to bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Allah beri..tapi tak salah kalau nak berusaha lebih kan..
Watching 'The Secret' really opened my eyes that every single person is able to achieve what they wants..its just a matter of ask, belief and do do do. Deep down inside i have big dreams,to achieve my dreams i cant just sit around and day dreaming..unless i will be marrying a young handsome adorable charming wealthy prince ..'daa'..tu lagi tak masuk akal
So, i have to strategize and think of something....hmm..
ya..i know that we have to bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Allah beri..tapi tak salah kalau nak berusaha lebih kan..
Watching 'The Secret' really opened my eyes that every single person is able to achieve what they wants..its just a matter of ask, belief and do do do. Deep down inside i have big dreams,to achieve my dreams i cant just sit around and day dreaming..unless i will be marrying a young handsome adorable charming wealthy prince ..'daa'..tu lagi tak masuk akal
So, i have to strategize and think of something....hmm..
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