alamak kitorg khusyuk sgt smpai tak amik gambar the new look langsung! lupe gile, nanti bile ade i will put it here...
later in the afternoon, we went to 'Nikorek' to buy a new rack for our boutique..its portable rack where baju tu nanti bole npk bnyk and lagi nmpk dari, ade potential nak tarik customer to come in..lps tu beli some other thing and went to Popia yang sedap giler kat Ujong Pasir..tapi sedih sbb dah habis..baru kul 4 lebih, maybe sbb hari Sabtu kot..later pegi nasi lemak janda, pun tutup jugak...kempunan...hehe
Then balik ke boutique, rearrange the perabot bagi nmpk bnyk space and memudahkan cust, mopped the floor..until 11 something baru we had our dinner and back to Aina's house..
i'm the 1st person to ever comment in here..ekekeke
alamak, buat sementara waktu ni mmg ko sorang je la..hehe
fizah..i think u should bukak skit tingkap depan tuh..tayang2 skit baju kt depan, so budak2 yg nk g kelas leh nmpk collection korang
can we design our own shirts?? hehe i have few ideas..but i do not know how to sew.. hehe
itu yg kitorg buat kat dpn tu, dah alih all the announcements sbb nak bagi dari luar nampak dalam..
nak jadi designer, the first important thing to know is to SEW! OMG..hahahah
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