Those days..ingat lagi fizabelle suke bela kucing masa kat bbi9 and rumah samsiah, tapi i really hate the cats .. tak sangka plak skang ni im a cat lover..tgk je kucing mati tgh jalan or in pain, my heart starts to melt already..well, people change :)
The happy thing is i got to go to TM Group Nite and watch Siti perform! Yey! I was told by Kak Ija (Who i dated that nite) that the theme is, i browse thru my closet, mum's closet , it turned out i have nothing in blue! Oh , do i hate blue colour that much?
Luckily i have a blue tudung, so, i just make it simple, black and blue :
and i got to meet CT too!! in her private room..
How I got to meet her privately?
I bought a chocolate for her , but i couldnt meet her at first coz the bodyguards are so strict..then, i pass the bag of choc to Nurul Shukor (her make up artist) and unfortunately i left the album that i want her to autograph for me...then Nurul called me and pass me back the album with siti signed on it and she/ he? invited me to meet ct...nice isnt it?
birunye ct..body mantap!
fizah ko dah ade blog!! yay!!!
alamak aida, ni sebenarnye belum establish lagi..tgk la aku tak update sgt giler..nnt aku nk jadi rajin cam ko :)
fizah, aku br tau ko dah ade blog! congrates! update slalu k..
ko ngan siti.. ko lagi lawa
woi badiuz, aku baru perasan msg ko, wey..mmg tak la..siti comel giler kot
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