I cant stop screaming since yesterday...arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
My close friends knew how much i adore this guy. I've never ever liked or really being a fan of a football player but since Germany 2006 (World Cup) I fell in love with .MICHAEL BALLACK..He's a captain of Germany team..
After World Cup, he joined Chelsea and I immediately follow all the fixtures and wake up in the mornings ( morning is like, 3am/4am/5am?) just to watch him in action. Yeah, if u r a fan of a singer u can easily watch them in MTV/ Channel V..but if u r a fan of football player?? kene tgk match la kan...so, slowly i became a fan of a football game..and now i understand why guys love football...
I remember one time during the last World Cup semi final, I know that Ballack injured and could not play for the semi final..but, guess what? I wake up at 2.45 am too, but just hoping that the camera will get a flash of him sitting near the field..crazy kan?
I was like really fall in love with him..and Ive never had this feeling to any male singer/actor/footballer before..Even banyak kali jugak mimpi jumpa die sblm ni..
And yesterday, I got to meet him here in Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so lucky coz I was among the last person to join the MyChelsea club..at first I joined just to get the opportunity to celebrate their arrival at Palace of the Golden Horses and come to the training session..tapi tibe2 i got the lucky draw prize which is to come for autograph signing ceremony with 2 of the players..I just pray one of them is Ballack..and it turned out that only him will be coming..can u imagine how breathless i am when i knew Ballack confirmed to come??
And I got to meet him personally..mcm nak pengsan!!
Ini bukan mcm jumpe Siti Nurhaliza (im a big fan of her too) , langsung tak terbanding...
If u guys follow my friendster, in the column 'Who I want to meet', it is Michael Ballack and i even want to save some money to come to Stamford Bridge to watch them live in action...but even if i go to stamford bridge, i know i would never have this golden opportunity...
I'm so thankful and from now on I believe that impossible dream is possible to come true..
fizah...i know!! u havent stop screaming since yesterday! harus la excited kan..you are sooo damn lucky!
fizah! bestnye ko..bak kate ernie, ikat die masuk lam almari leh? heheh..u can now officially stop screaming. ;p
fizah, tu lah orang kate..be careful of what ur wishing for..kan
Giler la..mmg sangat2 lucky
Takleh stop screaming lagi ni..senyum sorang2 pun tak stop lagi
Lets start dreaming...mana tau boleh come true..
sis. envy u!
u r so lucky!
yup, i'm the luckiest person on earth!
ehem ehem... terima kasih badiuz... badiuz pun ada menolong gak kan?
badiuz, haah! ko contribute ke perjumpaan aku ngn ballack! thank you thank you!
You´re a looky girl...
Thanks for show us!
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