Friday, September 3, 2010

My little brother

I'm really speechless and out of actions towards one of my little brother. I think that he's not been friends with good people, I think his friends are using him coz his innocentness. My parents gone out of words to say to him, my mum sumtimes cried in despair of not knowing what to do. He always not at home and only God knows where he stays, what he eats. My dad always worry of what he'll eat, always buys his favourite food but he rarely is at home..a father's love .. marah camana pun anak jugak. I asked my dad not to get angry with him always because he's a big boy already, 20 yrs and my dad has a high blood pressure problem. Kalau marah naik plak darah dia. Which always happened before.

I'm here, as a big sister, of course I love all my brothers macamana nakal die pun. I'm sad when he's like this, my other brothers & sister will lost their love & respect to him. His big brothers pun always angry at him and seeing that kills me. As if they don't love each other. I even cried when I see them quarreling and shouting at him. (Pardon me, when it comes to family I get so emotional)

My husband said, nanti die berubah la tu, budak2 mcm tu mmg tgh sibuk nak enjoy2.. I'm fine with that, but if only I know where he goes , with whom he's out every night, where he stayed, I'll be relieved. What I'm afraid of is if he's been lured to involved in anything that is not good. That's my biggest fear. Not good can be anything, I'm just scared to even think of it.

Of course , bila tanya baik2, cakap tak penah transparent. Another point of my 'bebelan' to him . Your family could not trust u, and what will u do when u have problem? When u r sick ? Ur family will be worried sick if that happens. And at that time do you think all your friends will take care of u? U will be surprised. That's my advise to him all the time. But i doubted he'll listen.

So, I'm asking my fellow friends, if you have any experience that you can share that might help us to change him. Do'a tu memang dah selalu.. Tak putus2.. He's the only one is with problem. I'm too worried.


Ernie Khairina said...
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Ernie Khairina said...

which one eh? anyhow, when it comes to 'remaja nak besar; (bak kata ayie), it's normal happen..even my sister used to be quite rebel.

Nurhafizah Fauzi said...

tak ernie, ni mcm rebel yg menakutkan.. bukan biasa2 punye,risau die lebih sket

Nurhafizah Fauzi said...
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kemaryahya said...

fizah, wondering gak yg mana satu since i know ur siblings..
dah nasihat lembut2 pun tak jalan ek? bagi air jampi sket. suh mama yg jampi, mesti ada ayat quran yg kasi lembut hati anak2. nnti org carikan..insyaAllah...

Nurhafizah Fauzi said...

yg no 4. tulah, terpk gak jampi2 ayat ni, tak penah betul2 buat lagi.

Hada Masayu said...

Ha'a kan fizah..aku rasa bdk laki mmg ssh sket..that's what my family is facing with adik remaja aku sorang tu, Nabil..pengaruh kwn2jgn ckp la mmg ssh..esp mak akukan single mother..luckily abg chor being so responsible, a.chor is the only 1 adik aku tkt sikit selain arwah ayah tula, kesabaran mmg kena tinggi menggunung..

selipa_oren said...

macam adik laki aku!! umor pon lebih kurang. grr..mmg bapak aku invest byk duit utk die..mintak mcm2 dpt tp perangai tah hape2. skang ni pulak da bukak bengkel kete sendiri (die blaja automotif)..ade la jugak aktiviti harian die walopon perniagaan tu byk rugi drp untung

Nurhafizah Fauzi said...

tulah kan..susah la..sbb ramai adik2 laki aku, tapi yg ini plak yg masalah

tulah, agaknya mmg zaman skarang ni mcm tu ke? berbuih la mulut mak aku membebel..ajaran agama bukan tak bagi, masalahnye kawan2 punye pengaruh lagi top of nasihat mak bapak..haih