The type of seafood are mostly the unusual but damn sedap. I bet all are expensive and we thought it is so berbaloi. They got like 7 buffet stations! U can just imagine the variety of food. Kalau biasa kite buffet kat hotel, satu je kan buffet station? Paling banyak pun 3.
We can also order food mcm siakap masak Thai , and the chef will cook fresh for us and send to the table. Also, the bbq pun order yg kita nak, and die will send to our table. And no extra charge ok.
Oh ya, the range of fruit included grape , dragon fruit and kiwi. And the ice cream is Haagen Dazs!! (Apsal over excited sgt ni..duh...)
Tak rasa gemuk sbb makan seafood je. No nasi/ makanan berat yang lain. Even tho is quite expensive, but its sure is value for money. Sekali sekala..
fizah! aku dah 8 bulan x mkn sushi/japanese food!! (coz it's not good for pregnant woman)argh..kuar air liur tgk pic mknn2 ni sumer..kompem aku pegi sini lps abis pantang nanti! :}~~
ikan punye chin??
harus!mmg best sgt makanan die
dagu ikan..betul ke aku eja 'chin'
maklumlah otak karat skang
Fizah, sejak akhir2 ni asik cite pasal mkn je. hehehehe. sedap tarikh keramat makin hampir..anda mesti nmpk menarik pada hari tersebut. got what i mean?? ;p
i know! die mcm curse la..lagi nak diet lagi rasa nak susahhhnye
fizah sedapnye..nak jugak chin ikan!hehhe..there's a new japanese food seblah rumah..u make me feel mcm nak trylah...tapi taktau nak order. chin ikan ape ckp jepun?hehe
Aku tak ingat la nama die ...
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