I am hooked. Enough said.
On my recent trip to Penang, I purchased Gossip Girl DVDs ... tolong la salahkan Cina cetak rompak tu boleh tak .. (ok, I know I'm a bit outdated here)
Now I'm almost done with the season 1, and going to hop on to season 2 & 3 in no time. This always happens when I got the recent episodes of Desperate Housewives. Takleh tinggal beb
A quick question ..


Serena ?
...which one u like most? a ah..satu je ok..no reason for 2 choices
serena la weh..mana2 film ada awek ni mesti aku tgk nye!cun!
serena serena serena...!
serena!! walaupun die mcm blur2 sket ;p
asal sume suke serena? i like blair.
ni sume pengaruh anis. dia suke sgt blair n chuck. so dah tersuke blair gak!
S is hotter, suke die punye cara berckp yg lazy and muke 'senyum' die..sweet! but have to admit that she looks mature to be a school girl.
kemar bole geng ngn Ayie, die pun suke B gak
serena pls..... s for serena, s for syafini...perfect match kan??????????
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