I always have the feeling of going back home (to my parents' house) even though I am a wife to a man now. If like 3 days tak balik rumah, I started to miss my parents already. I don't know why, I juz miss my room , my parents and my siblings at home.
(Of course I miss my husband all the time) I guess when I got married, I was not ready to leave my house totally. Not just yet.
I am so grateful to be given a husband that is also a family man. He do not have a problem of us staying at my parents's house , and I simply can go back to my parents house anytime I want. Maybe that's the main reason we didn't have our own house yet? (Maybe the energy doesn't feel like it) Or maybe I already feel connected with my parents after years away from home (since age 13 to age 22 ) studying at SMAPK ;which is a boarding school and MMU, whereby I stayed in Melaka for 4 years, and I am covering the missing times and still tak puas lagi.
When my husband mentioned on buying a house / apartment , instead of imagining how do I decorate my house, what type of curtain to buy, what color to paint the wall, I end up thinking how I am going to miss my room, and how I could not go back to my parents' as often as now. The point is I am still not ready to move out yet. I am not sure if this is normal or I am just still a baby to my parents (Tua bangka boleh). Haa, tu lah, tanak la hantar anak2 pegi study jauh2..kurang kasih sayang tau
P/S to mi amor : Thank u for being so supportive & understanding. I could not ask for a better man to be my life partner. Sementara I nak hilang homesick ni, u kumpul la duit dulu, nanti kite terus beli rumah best ok? Love u to the max!