(Apahal muke laki aku rileks je)
Selain gayat, adalah sangat panas juga kepala ku, sbb kat atas kepala mmg die punye gas dan api yang membolehkan die terbang. lps tu bising plak tu sbb die kene pump the gas most of the time. Pakcik 'driver' tu cakap, kalau die tak constantly pump, balloon ni boleh jatuh merudum ke bawah. Takut tak?
I read Richard Branson's book of 'Screw it Let's Do It', die ada banyak attempt around the world naik Hot Air Balloon, yang berani mati punya. I wonder how he can stand duduk dalam bakul tu berbulan2 lamanya..dengan angin yang tak menentu..He's a truly risk taker person!
I read Richard Branson's book of 'Screw it Let's Do It', die ada banyak attempt around the world naik Hot Air Balloon, yang berani mati punya. I wonder how he can stand duduk dalam bakul tu berbulan2 lamanya..dengan angin yang tak menentu..He's a truly risk taker person!

It's a great experience altho I didn't fly too high..dekat2 situ je..This event is an international event, which they will have at least 22 balloons from all over the world. At least 100,000 people were there last year and only Tamil Neesan paper did not put the news out on the paper. Yang lain semua in! Come and check out the event coz this year will be even better than last year.
da vinci punya attempts nak terbang lagi hebat (aku tgk masa pegi pameran da vinci tu
)..itu la courageous org dulu2.
weh muka laki ko mcm YB je aku tgk ..bakal2
wahh.. best2..! jeles...
of course mamat branson tu risk taker. who else boleh blend kan business of doing music + airline + mobile + bridal + beverage + loads more, plus have an F1 team all at the same time? hehehe..
wow tgk je dah rase gayat..
btw, mamat yg berbulan2 naik balloon tu kan...first thing aku terpikir..erm..camne dia gi toilet??erk!hehe..
susah nak cari courage org skarang mcm org dulu2...cost live is more difficult now, ppl are looking for MONEY only.Nothing else matters.
Psst: Laki aku mmg suke buat muke camtu ;p
Itu mmg IDOL aku, sbb tu aku bace buke die. Tony Fernandes has becoming something like him, bagus la tu :)
Ya...tu la tu! mgkin ade macam disposable mangkuk utk melepaskan hajat2 diorg, pastu diorg campak je from langit..haha
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