Last week I went for the Pengantin Magazine photoshoot, and also, I discovered that I am not a camera friend (when it comes to a lot of people see u in front of the camera). Lebih kurang macam nak bagi speech kat atas pentas. Nervous. So the photos didnt turn out perfect. My opinion la. So that is the last job I would take for a magazine model. Payment pun stakat cover duit minyak je (dan akan dapat tahun depan, which is baik takyah bagi) , lagila tak memberangsangkan untuk mengimprove talent in front of the camera. The worst thing is die cukur kening ku!! (dah cakap suruh kemaskan je) tak suke!!
On the way, mmg prepare no make up at all, senang keje mekap artis
cantik make up dia
fizah, cantik eye shadow die. memerlukan bakat jugak utk pose depan camera kan?
haah, mekap die cantik dlm nampak tebal giler. sgt memerlukan bakat weyh dpn kamera.kalau tak, kekok and gambar tak nmpak ikhlas ..eceh!
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