Salam Aidilfitri to all my lovely friends.
Hari Raya has become less and less meriah for me, I dont know, maybe because I'm getting older and didnt enjoy the pleasure of bunga api and duit raya anymore. Dulu, sangat suka hari raya sbb dapat collect duit raya untuk beli barang2 idaman (student mana de duit!) Brg2 idaman adalah seperti handbag, baju2 dan barang2 mekap (sangat perempuan)
Anyway, this year raya is different for me coz this is the first time I beraya as a wife! Tapi berita tak best nya Ayie kene keje hari raya pertama. Mula-mula macam sedih la juga sebab ni first time ni tak dapat beraya ngan mama n ayah. Nak ikut mama balik Muar! (takkan la tinggal laki aku kat KL kot) So, keputusan nya kami beraya la di KL je. Ok la juga, sbb Muar bukannya jauh sangat. 2nd day raya kitorg balik Muar.
First day raya after smyg raya kami pegi rumah arwah atok Ayie, where ramai family berkumpul kat sana. Lepas makan, I went to Seri Perdana nak join Ayie kat sana, konon2 nak tebarkan business card ku kat VIP2 yang ada. Tapi tiba2 hujan lebat dan parking nya maha jauh. Terkorban la impian nak ber-repo sebab VIP2 pun tah hilang kemana..Maybe sbb hujan , diorg semua bertempiaran masuk tempat khas bertutup.
(Takde gambar sebab takde mood tgk kesesakan manusia kat situ)
2nd day raya balik Muar jumpa atok and my family kat sana. Ayie excited la coz first time tu raya kat kampung. hehe. Sempat juga bawak Ayie balik Penang jumpa my relatives kat sana. Semua ni berlaku dalam mase seminggu..hehe
Here are some pics yang sempat amik masa beraya ngan family...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Home made Raya Hampers
My husband once showed me a pictures of the festive hampers which cost RM200++, which he intended to give away to his clients. Dan dan I cakap, lemme do it! Ribbons masa hantaran dulu tu pun banyak lagi, so, why waste?
Tapi tak sangka la pula mengambil masa yang agak banyak, sebab I'm not that creative, so, berpikir cara nak buat riben pun lama...
Here are the outcomes :
Altogether is 5, tapi tak sempat amik all the pics.
The cookies all are home made , coz I really care about how the taste like. Kadang2 hamper2 ni org letak yg dah nak expired la, kueh tak sedap la..but for me, semua nye homemade (my aunties made them) . You can see the 'Batang Buruk' ? Specially brought from Muar. Sedap! Sapa tak suka 'Batang Buruk' pun boleh suke once u rasa yang dari Muar ni.
I want his clients to say 'mmmm, yummy cookies!', instead of just ' Thank you for the hamper'
Since last few years I successfully sold raya cookies of my own, I am seriously thinking to venture on raya hamper business for next year season.. but my creativity skills kene upgrade sket la..and the most important thing is manpower and marketing marketing marketing!
Tapi tak sangka la pula mengambil masa yang agak banyak, sebab I'm not that creative, so, berpikir cara nak buat riben pun lama...
Here are the outcomes :
Altogether is 5, tapi tak sempat amik all the pics.
The cookies all are home made , coz I really care about how the taste like. Kadang2 hamper2 ni org letak yg dah nak expired la, kueh tak sedap la..but for me, semua nye homemade (my aunties made them) . You can see the 'Batang Buruk' ? Specially brought from Muar. Sedap! Sapa tak suka 'Batang Buruk' pun boleh suke once u rasa yang dari Muar ni.
I want his clients to say 'mmmm, yummy cookies!', instead of just ' Thank you for the hamper'
Since last few years I successfully sold raya cookies of my own, I am seriously thinking to venture on raya hamper business for next year season.. but my creativity skills kene upgrade sket la..and the most important thing is manpower and marketing marketing marketing!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The shawl
Last week when I went to Jalan TAR with Ernie, I cant help myself on not buying the new design of tudung, tudung ct nurhaliza, or i can say its more to selendang..
At first I refuse to even try it coz terasa macam 'sister' bila pakai camtu. Tapi sbb kan terpengaruh ngn design and the cutting from Lieza Collection ( Dah la gelak2 masa try, org kedai pun confuse) , immediately I started to bring my mind ke dalam almari rumah, recalling baju2 kurung yang tengah takde matching shawl. There and then, I grab 4.

If u wanna know what's the current shawl yang up to date, sila la melawat ke Jalan TAR. At the tudung road. (i dont know the exact name) Seriously, yang terjual kat situ la design yg paling 'in' masa tu. The only difference is the cutting and material je la. Lain2 harga based on that.
Hey, I'm not ready
Hubby cakap macam tudung tak siap. Huhu.
(No, dont listen to him, he don't know the current trend)
It is surprisingly selesa, tak jatuh langsung. Sangat ringan dan sejuk. (a total different from what i thought it is before) Dah la angkat2 barang, tonggeng2 , bangun2 , duduk2 , ok je.
Personally I think, with the beads bling bling kat atas kepala tu, lebih sesuai if u wear it with baju tradisional (Kurung Moden / Kebaya/ or yang berkain2 la) . Kalau pakai dengan baju casual, nampak macam mak Datin sket. If u wanna wear it, mungkin choose the one that has less beads.
Topic selingan.
At first I refuse to even try it coz terasa macam 'sister' bila pakai camtu. Tapi sbb kan terpengaruh ngn design and the cutting from Lieza Collection ( Dah la gelak2 masa try, org kedai pun confuse) , immediately I started to bring my mind ke dalam almari rumah, recalling baju2 kurung yang tengah takde matching shawl. There and then, I grab 4.
If u wanna know what's the current shawl yang up to date, sila la melawat ke Jalan TAR. At the tudung road. (i dont know the exact name) Seriously, yang terjual kat situ la design yg paling 'in' masa tu. The only difference is the cutting and material je la. Lain2 harga based on that.
(No, dont listen to him, he don't know the current trend)
It is surprisingly selesa, tak jatuh langsung. Sangat ringan dan sejuk. (a total different from what i thought it is before) Dah la angkat2 barang, tonggeng2 , bangun2 , duduk2 , ok je.
Personally I think, with the beads bling bling kat atas kepala tu, lebih sesuai if u wear it with baju tradisional (Kurung Moden / Kebaya/ or yang berkain2 la) . Kalau pakai dengan baju casual, nampak macam mak Datin sket. If u wanna wear it, mungkin choose the one that has less beads.
Topic selingan.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hmm...semua kawan2 dah start knitting la, menjahit la..macam2. I cant start any coz apparently i dont have any talent!
Last week I went for the Pengantin Magazine photoshoot, and also, I discovered that I am not a camera friend (when it comes to a lot of people see u in front of the camera). Lebih kurang macam nak bagi speech kat atas pentas. Nervous. So the photos didnt turn out perfect. My opinion la. So that is the last job I would take for a magazine model. Payment pun stakat cover duit minyak je (dan akan dapat tahun depan, which is baik takyah bagi) , lagila tak memberangsangkan untuk mengimprove talent in front of the camera. The worst thing is die cukur kening ku!! (dah cakap suruh kemaskan je) tak suke!!
On the way, mmg prepare no make up at all, senang keje mekap artis
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Its been 3 months, but I hope it is still not too late... coz I wanna post the glances of our big day to kawan2 semua..especially sapa yang tak dapat datang..yg kat London ke..mana2 ke...
Yang ni specially made just for us as we are actually Synchro Psycho first customer!
There's so many of US (sila jangan muntah)
These images and video are the one yang akan kite simpan sampai bila2...and I'm glad org2 yang I percaya nak buat these important things have done a great job!
Lps ni keje ngn Studio 51 la eh ;p
p/s : you have to pause my fav song list kat tepi tu k..baru bunyi tak bercampur2 :)
Yang ni specially made just for us as we are actually Synchro Psycho first customer!
There's so many of US (sila jangan muntah)
These images and video are the one yang akan kite simpan sampai bila2...and I'm glad org2 yang I percaya nak buat these important things have done a great job!
Lps ni keje ngn Studio 51 la eh ;p
p/s : you have to pause my fav song list kat tepi tu k..baru bunyi tak bercampur2 :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
'Jangan Lombok'
Tapi my family tak boleh makan sbb pedas sangat...sed! As for me, I'm enjoying every bit of it!
(Recipe courtesy of Kemar)
Atas permintaan ramai, disini ialah resipi Jangan Lombok ;
1. Daging sekilo
2. Cili padi yg kecik (kalau ikut Kemar sekilo;iaitu sama ngn daging, tapi aku letak suku pun dah macam nak terkoyak perut . so, kene try skali baru boleh agak ikut ketahanan masing2)
3. Kicap Manis Kipas Udang (merah) - setengah botol
4. Bwg besar 7 biji - dihiris halus
5. Bwg putih stgh labu - dihiris halus
6. Ikan bilis - 2 genggam
1. Letak minyak
2. Tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih
3. Masuk cili padi
4. Bila cili padi dah meletup2 , masuk ikan bilis
5. Agak2 ikan bilis half cook, masukkan daging lalalala
6. Adalah dalam sejam camtu, sbb nak bagi die sebati, tapi api kecik je, and keep on tmbah air kalau air kering
7. Bila daging sikit lagi nak empuk , masukkan kicap manis tadi
7. Tara! dah siap, takyah letak garam dan gula sebab dah sedap bangat!
p/s : lagi kick kalau daging fresh
Thanks to Kemar dan family yang menginvent resipi yg sgt heaven ini.
Kalau nak tau lebih detail, sila tanya Kemar..
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