Hubby bought the match tickets with the complimentary training passes. So, we went to watch the training on Friday. There were quite a congestion, and we park about a kilometre away from the Stadium. A 'healthy' walk under the hot sun. As many ppl are also walking by the road, tak rasa jauh la...Wey, training pun beratur panjang nak masuk daaa..sbb org yg jaga pintu tu sgt skema, semua bende nak check.

The next day, we went and as expected the jammed was terrible. Tapi since Hubby's office is nearby, kitorg tau jln shortcut yg tak jam. Tapi still kene park jauh giler...lagi jauh
The match was indeed very very entertaining. Man-U lead the match in the first half with a goal from Rooney. Towards the end of match, Nani scored another goal, which make it 2-0. Lps tu lagi 2 min nak habis masa tiba2 ada mamat jersey biru number 17 ni score. Eh, terkejut semua org, 1 for Malaysia!!
Entering the game on 2nd half, there's another goal by this guy again number 17. That increase our curiousness to know this guy's name ; rupanya tgk kat screen his name is 'Amri'...greeaaattt job Amri! Makes the score 2-2. I can bet that not a single person in the stadium will expect that our team will score '2'. Not long before the 2nd half ended, there's another goal by Owen. Hah, sbb kitorg minat Owen, so maafkan la..The game ended with 3-2.
We went to c the match to feel the vibration and of course to c the world-class players in front of our eyes.. bukan la nak sokong sapa2, but then, excited jugak for our team and so proud of them..They improved a lot compare to masa lawan Chelsea haritu..
We had a blast! Suara habis sbb jerit...
1 comment:
fizah best teman hubby tgk football live
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