Last 24th March I joined the CIMB Wealth Advisors Award Night. Haiya, dah berapa tahun gi tak penah dapat award lagi ni..takleh jadi..maybe next yr?
I have to win next year!
The theme was we were all dressed up in Japanese costume. It was located at the Sunway Resort Hotel. At first, I thought I was the one who over-dressed, skali kat dalam tu ..amik ko..mcm2 ada...Samurai ada, Jepun blonde pun ada..

The food was awesome! Almost every year before I always bz taking pics sampai tak sempat nak makan all the 8-course. So, this year, duduk sampai die serve desert! Mmg puas kali ni :)
The most creative dress i think for men: ialah yang dress up macam team bola Japan. Senang je, pakai jersey Japan, seluar bola and but bola. Tapi tak amik gambar ngn die plak. While for women pula yang dress up macam sailormoon. Cute!
kalo aku nk mcm harajuku, ok tak??
baru 'i wonder if you know how to live in Tok-e-yo!' haha
boleh je! u know, tak ses nak berkreatif kalau keadaan 'fizikal' tak mengizinkan. sed
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