I have never had this many jerawat in my whole life..NEVER...to those who have known me my whole life ( mama) and almost whole life (best friends), have u ever seen me in these??
I cracked my head thinking any new make up i've applied to my face..nothing new since the past months..so, to calm myself, i think it is because of the homeopathy....which is due to my resdung problem that get worse previously, i think the homeopathy medicine wants to take out my toxics..i eventually didnt apply any cream to reduce it, only bedak sejuk..but i definitely have to go to the Homeopathy again to check .. just to be on the safe side ..
no wayyyy!!! apesal byk sgt tu?? aku pulak yg freak out.
fizah!! tak penah..tak penah..
pelik ni..apasal jadi mcm tu?
kalo homophaty tu punye pasal, baik stop la..awak tu nak kawin kan..jgn..jgn...
fiza and kemar,
arrrhhhh..tanak jugak!!
sed :(
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