One sweet day, my sister in-law (nazirah) mentioned that she's going to Bandung with her mom & aunties. Naah, me not interested that time knowing that the Air Asia flight tix is expensive. Tak berbaloi nak shopping pun
Suddenly she said. 'MAS dah buat offer murah'
And I was like, ' Yeke? Berapa?'
Nazirah : Kat paper ade , MAS baru officially nak fly to Bandung
Me : Ok, nanti nak cek
On a different scene, earlier
Him : Eh , jom gi Bandung beli seluar, banyak dah tak muat
Me : Tak berbaloi la pegi , hotel lagi, flight lagi, just nak beli seluar?
Him : Sana murah
(Actually my hubby ni 'shopping' la sangat kat KL, sibuk keje kan, bukan die tau kat KL pun boleh cari yg murah)
Me : (dalam hati) What the heck, boleh jalan2 & makan2 + Rindu gak kat Bandung
Berbalik kepada top scene
Calling him right after Nazirah ckp..
Me : MAS ade pegi Bandung & tgh offer skang
Him : Yeke? Jom..ajak mama & kakak2 skali
Me : Yiihaaa......(sambil mengonline & menchecking date)
Booking done, insyaAllah pegi 19th July nanti via MAS - yea, for once I feel so bored travelling via Air Asia sbb airport tak selesa. But usually bcoz of the price la we opt for AA. Now MAS dah murah, in fact, cheaper me some trouble..
Friday, June 25, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
World Cup Fever
Scene 1
Him : Ni kalau ade keropok sedap ni tgk bola
Me : ??? Kalau I goreng camana I nak tgk match?
Him : Oklaaa Oklaaa...half time nanti
Me : :))
Scene 2
7 pm at Johor mase ni ..
Him: Jom tgk bola kat hotel la ..
Me : Ala dah sampai kat sini jom la tgk kat Danga Bay
Him : Ok
Dah sampai Danga Bay, hujan la plak! So, akibatnya tgk Argentina kat TV tebal yg kecik..stok nampak player macam semut
Me : (dalam hati) Ok, lain kali dgr cakap laki..
Lps habis match rushing to go back to Hotel nak kejar Match 10pm..
Me : (skrol semua chanel yg ade kat TV hotel) Ape nih? Takde live pun??
Him : Laa...korok nye hotel ni tak amek live Sports
Me : grr (marah kat keadaan, not to him)
And..not long after that, I fall asleep........
Scene 3
At Melaka , 1:30am , baru habis show sempena World Cup at Melaka Raya
Him : Jom stay sini lah..nak tgk match
Me : I dah call semua hotel, fully book laa cuti skolah . Plus, tak tentu hotel ade live match (kes smlm kat JB la ni)
Him : (tengok jam) Sempat ni balik KL
Me : Jom! I teman u drive .. laparrrr laa
Him : Tak sempat ni nak singgah mana2, kat KL
Dalam kete, as usual I tertido..hampeh la co pilot ni
Tersedar half way , Ya Allah laki aku bawak kete macam ribut, bukak radio kuat gile (sure nak tahan ngntuk sbb co pilot tido)
Baca Doa banyak2 and pejam mata
2.45 am - Sampai KL, on time for England Match + sempat beli drive thru Mc D
Semangat kan, demi World Cup!
More scenes to come
Him : Ni kalau ade keropok sedap ni tgk bola
Me : ??? Kalau I goreng camana I nak tgk match?
Him : Oklaaa Oklaaa...half time nanti
Me : :))
Scene 2
7 pm at Johor mase ni ..
Him: Jom tgk bola kat hotel la ..
Me : Ala dah sampai kat sini jom la tgk kat Danga Bay
Him : Ok
Dah sampai Danga Bay, hujan la plak! So, akibatnya tgk Argentina kat TV tebal yg kecik..stok nampak player macam semut
Me : (dalam hati) Ok, lain kali dgr cakap laki..
Lps habis match rushing to go back to Hotel nak kejar Match 10pm..
Me : (skrol semua chanel yg ade kat TV hotel) Ape nih? Takde live pun??
Him : Laa...korok nye hotel ni tak amek live Sports
Me : grr (marah kat keadaan, not to him)
And..not long after that, I fall asleep........
Scene 3
At Melaka , 1:30am , baru habis show sempena World Cup at Melaka Raya
Him : Jom stay sini lah..nak tgk match
Me : I dah call semua hotel, fully book laa cuti skolah . Plus, tak tentu hotel ade live match (kes smlm kat JB la ni)
Him : (tengok jam) Sempat ni balik KL
Me : Jom! I teman u drive .. laparrrr laa
Him : Tak sempat ni nak singgah mana2, kat KL
Dalam kete, as usual I tertido..hampeh la co pilot ni
Tersedar half way , Ya Allah laki aku bawak kete macam ribut, bukak radio kuat gile (sure nak tahan ngntuk sbb co pilot tido)
Baca Doa banyak2 and pejam mata
2.45 am - Sampai KL, on time for England Match + sempat beli drive thru Mc D
Semangat kan, demi World Cup!
More scenes to come
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It's been a wonderful year
In exactly this time last year, I am at home fixing my last minute touch up for the Nikah ceremony. Tgh pakai inai kot time ni ;p
It has been a wonderful year..Life has never been better & I enjoyed every second of it...
It has been a wonderful year..Life has never been better & I enjoyed every second of it...

5 June 2009
Happy 1st Anniversary my dear pumpkin!
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