I just cant believe time flies so fast...and it is time for my bro's (zul) big day
I also didn't realized that we are organizing 2 weddings in a year until my dad mentioned it in his welcome speech. Mine was on June 2009, and Zul was on April 2010. Quite pocket- wrecking, huh? Hehe
I practically managed the wedding from A to Z...with my mom's help of course...yela, selama ni buat wedding orang, takkan la adikku sendiri tak buat kan :)
Here's a glance of the wedding days
Nikah (2nd April 2010)Location : Masjid Al -Falah, USJ 9, Subang Jaya
To Nazirah, welcome to the huge family!
alala..comel je my hubby jadi dulang boys ;p
outdoor version better
My lovely brothers and sisters
Nazirah's Reception (3rd April 2010)
Location : Dewan Seri Endon, Putrajaya
Kat Seri Endon pun me and hubby managed the flow of the event. We stayed kat Putrajaya la that night.
Spotlight ni tunjuk kat pengantin je
sibuk je pengantin basi ni ;p
Me, mama, wan lang & wanPeople said i look like my Wan masa muda..huhu..
Even though we were supposed to be the tetamu, tapi end up kitorg plak macam host. Nazirah's family is like ours too. Hubby pun dah kenal uncle2 die semua because of this wedding
Zul's Reception (4th April 2010)Location : Dewan MBSA, Shah Alam
For our side, me & hubby (again) handled everything ..everything smpai tak cukup tangan. Kecoh la juga awal2 tu sebab caterer and dewan setup lambat (sebab malam sebelum tu ada event) . But we managed to handle the situation with the help of my family.
Gambar on our side will be posted later coz too busy sampai tak sempat nak amek gambar langsung on my camera. So, wait for the cameraman later..
Tapi sempat juga curik ni kat FB Lynn..(thanks to my friends yang datang)
Me look like my mum pakai tudung camni :)
And here's the bride and groom!
(the wedding dress is under my consultation - songket & lace)
Hari ketiga tu, semua dah pancit, especially me and hubby coz we managed the whole 3 days. But it's ok, and thats the least that we can do to make my brother's dream wedding come true.
Selamat Pengantin Baru Zul & Nazierah! Rajin2 balik rumah mama&ayah coz we'll miss u at home :)