Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lontong Klang and Pelita Bangsar

Good afternoon!

Yesterday morning i finally got the opportunity to taste Lontong Klang yang Ernie dok mention sepuluh ribu kali..ok, sib baik sedap..and also she brought her ex-office mate..Kak Hani , and die sangat la baik hati sbb belanja kami breakfast pagi tu..thanks!

Nyum! Aina jangan jeles..

Fuh sungguh lemak berkrim..

After that I rush to Sri Pentas for WHI recording..(i'll post the pics later) and go do some sales and marketing...Later in the evening, me and my hot girls (opps ade sorang no longer 'girl' - jgn marah :) but she owned a very sporting hubby) managed to catch up at Pelita Bangsar ..yey! despite all of my girls' busy ness, most of them are able to make are some pics of us

Maggi Goreng, Roti Cheese, Teh Ais ---- We're loving it!


Ernie Khairina said...

hehe..nanti kite bawak all the girls pegi lontong klang..hehe, jadi ke pesta spageti?

Unknown said...

fizah, ko ni buat aku teringin nak mkn lontongla..pedas tak?

Nurhafizah Fauzi said...

chun, tak pedas langsung...sedap bangat!

nrd said...

dulu selalu juga makan kat sini..tapi belum cuba makan lontong

alikupan said...

lontong ni memang best. dari tahun 80an (sepiring rm1.40) tiap2 minggu aku pekena lontong or nasik lemak, tapi kat kedai bapak dia la kat klang.